Bonnie Markham
From 1993 – 2008 Dr. Markham was a GSAPP Alumni Organization Board Member and served as its President from 2003 – 2006. In 2000 and again in 2005, she served on Planning Committees for the 25th and 30th anniversary celebrations of the founding of GSAPP. In 2003, Dr. Markham organized the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the GSAPP Alumni Organization with a successful event/art auction held at the gallery of an alumnus, Ed Adams. In 2004 she supported the development of an interactive listserv for new graduates to receive mentoring from more experienced graduates. From 2005 – 2007 Dr. Markham chaired the committee which compiled an outstanding commemorative booklet, DVD, and historical archive as part of the celebrations for the 30th anniversary of GSAPP and the 75th of the Psychological Clinic. In 2006 she fostered the development of the Alumni Online Forum, an interactive listserv for GSAPP alumni, which has been very active, together with an online Alumni directory, which has been a wonderful resource for alumni professional networking. From 2004 – 2008, Dr. Markham served as GSAPP Alumni Organization representative to the RU Alumni Federation and is currently co-chair of the GSAPP Capital Campaign. She has always put service to GSAPP and its alumni at the forefront of her many professional activities.
August, 2010
Bonnie Markham (Clinical, 1986) was elected Treasurer of the American Psychological Association (APA). Her three-year term begins in January 2011.
May, 2010
Bonnie Markham, PhD, PsyD (Clinical, 1984) is the winner of the Grace K. Smith Award for Meritorious Service to the Alumni Organization. Dr. Markham, Alumni Organization past president, is currently co-chair of the GSAPP Capital Campaign.
July, 2009
Bonnie Markham (1986 Clinical) has received the 'Block R Award' from the Rutgers University Alumni Association which recognizes service to the alumni body through volunteer involvement in charter organizations, work with university partners in support of Rutgers' community initiatives and through other specific volunteer roles. Currently co-chair of the GSAPP capital campaign, Bonnie has also been president of GSAPP AO; an alumni board member; and a leader or member of several planning committees. Bonnie is constantly working to connect GSAPP alumni, students, faculty, and administrators in meaningful ways, including mentoring, certification, and career programs.