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Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology

Center of Alcohol and Substance Use Studies

Wellness Self-Care

Wellness Self-Care is a series of initiatives dedicated to sharing tips and tools on wellness. This academic year, starting with the icebreaker Wellness Bingo, at our Welcome Back Picnic, we began highlighting the importance of focusing on our wellness and its benefits, to help us be successful and satisfied each day. Each month, we share resources and activities to support wellness self-care practices.

Feel free to share any ideas related to resources you feel would be helpful. All the best to you on your journey to wellness. Questions? Contact Dr. Peggy Swarbrick, Associate Director, CAS; Research Professor, Applied Department @

CAS - Self-Care Wellness

About Us

The Center of Alcohol and Substance Use Studies (CAS) in the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology is a multidisciplinary institute dedicated to substance use research, education, and training. Our collaborations intersect with key translational health domains, broadening impact in the field of addiction science. CAS researchers and educators provide expertise on alcohol and other substance use topics for the public through local, national, and international media outlets.


Human experimental studies focus on the role of body-brain communication in the development, consequences, and treatment of alcohol and other drug use disorders using psychophysiology, brain imaging, and computational modeling. Longitudinal and daily survey research examine patterns, predictors and consequences of substance use over the life course. Cross-sectional and experimental studies address racial/ethnic disparities in the biopsychosocial mechanisms underlying tobacco and cannabis use disorders.



The Addiction Education program is the oldest substance use training program in the nation, providing extensive opportunities for professional development in substance use prevention, behavioral health and treatment best practices since 1962. This program promotes the recognition of substance use disorders as a major public health concern, maintains a strong focus on special populations, understands the connection with mental health and addresses the need to reduce stigma and connect practitioners with the empirically supported advancements in the field. 

Center of Alcohol Studies Education


Founded by Howard W. Haggard, M.D., director of Yale University’s Laboratory of Applied Physiology, The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs began in 1940 as the Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol. As alcohol research expanded in the 1970s, the Journal grew from a quarterly to monthly publication in 1975, and its name was changed to the Journal of Studies on Alcohol. With this change, the Journal began publishing research articles and abstracts in alternating months.

Center of Alcohol Studies Journal

Digital Alcohol Studies Archives

GSAPP’s Center of Alcohol and Substance Use Studies (#CAS) recently introduced their brand new Digital Alcohol Studies Archives! The archives hold over 80 years' of pivotal information for the next generation of researchers to use and reference.

Learn More About CAS