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Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology

Applied Psychology


The Department of Applied Psychology houses an array of programs at the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology (GSAPP), including:

  • the Master of Applied Psychology (MAP)
  • several paths for graduate study in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
  • the Doctorate and Master of Organizational Psychology (PsyD and PsyM)
  • the 4+1 Program (Accelerated Bachelor's to Master of Applied Psychology) and
  • undergraduate courses in specialized areas of applied psychology (e.g., Introduction to Clinical and School Psychology and the Psychology of Intimate Relations).

Each program has specific admissions requirements and deadlines. 

Applied Focus Group

Student - Faculty Connection

Louise Athens, MAP graduate, Class of 2023, on Dr. Deirdre Waters - "I learned so much from Dr. Waters, about the powerful modality, ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy), establishing client trust, and more. During my practicum, she was very open to hearing the student perspective, empowering us to establish alliances with our clients, which built our confidence as future mental health practitioners. She was a phenomenal professor, mentor, and supervisor." 

Dr. Deirdre Waters, Director of Master of Applied Psychology (MAP) program, on Louise Athens: “Louise is recognized as a smart and engaged student in the classroom, a compassionate and skilled clinician on practicum, and a fun and supportive friend among her cohort. I am confident that she will make a significant impact in the field of psychology, and I am excited for her as she pursues her doctoral studies post-graduation from the Applied Psychology Department.” 


Louise Athens Headshot (Student)

Applied Psychology Leadership

Dr. SungWoo Kahng

Chair, Department of Applied Psychology, Director of Academic Programs in Autism and ABA, Professor, Co-Director of Research, Rutgers Center for Adult Autism Services

Dr. Deirdre M. Waters

Director, Master of Applied Psychology (MAP) and 4+ 1 Programs, Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Applied Psychology

Dr. Sharon Glazer

Director, Organizational Psychology, Department of Applied Psychology

Rachel Diaz

Program Coordinator, Department of Applied Psychology

Get Involved!

Join us for the next Department of Applied Psychology, and other GSAPP events.