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Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
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Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
psychology building

How to Find Us

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in GSAPP.

Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology

152 Frelinghuysen Road 
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8020 
Phone: 848-445-2000 
Fax: 732-445-4888

To make appointments to see the dean, contact:

Alice Lau
Office of the Dean
Office: Psychology, A315
Phone: 848-445-3970

For all questions and information about the Applied Program, contact:

Rachel Diaz
Program Coordinator, Dept. of Applied Psychology
Office: Nelson, D317
Phone: 848-445-3880

For all questions and information about the Clinical Program, contact:

Julie Skorny
Program Coordinator, Dept. of Clinical Psychology
Office: Psychology, A343
Phone: 848-445-3980

For all questions and information about the School Program, contact:

Robin Hussey
Program Coordinator, Dept. of School Psychology
Office: Psychology, A305
Phone: 848-445-3837

For all questions and information about the Organizational Psychology, contact:

Karen Cascio-Hartford
Program Coordinator, Dept. of Applied Psychology
Office: Smithers Hall room 221
Phone: 848-445-3566

Careers at GSAPP

Thank you for your interest in joining our team!

Give to GSAPP

We are proud to be nationally recognized for our excellence in education, research/scholarship, and public service. Thanks to our human capital, GSAPP is a leader in its preparation of qualified and competent direct-service psychologists who integrate scientific knowledge with innovation in the delivery of psychological services to individuals, families, groups and organizations.