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Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology


Denise Hien, Ph.D., ABPP, is the Senior Vice Provost for Research, Chancellor’s Office, Rutgers-New Brunswick; Helen E. Chaney Endowed Chair in Alcohol Studies and Distinguished Professor in the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology (GSAPP) at Rutgers University. Recognized as a leader in the field of post-traumatic stress and addictions, her body of work has contributed to the evidence base on effective interventions for individuals with PTSD and substance use disorders. She and her group have conducted programmatic research through single- and multi-site clinical trials across the United States in community-based substance abuse treatment settings, with continuous funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA), and National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) (25 grants total: 8 R01, 2-R25, 1 multi-site) for over 30 years.  She currently leads an NIDA R25 training grant for translational addiction research for racial/ethnic minority BS/MD, MA and PhD candidates in the biomedical and social sciences, and an NIMH R01 hybrid effectiveness clinical trial for PTSD+SUD. She also recently completed an NIAAA R01 data science project, a meta-analysis with individual patient data examining effectiveness of treatment for PTSD and AODs. She is board-certified in clinical psychology and has served as a standing and ad hoc member on NIDA, NIAAA and NIMH Institutional Review Groups, and a health disparities advisory group to the Director of NIDA on Asian/Pacific Islander issues. Dr. Hien hopes to increase the center’s visibility in shaping the national conversation about leveraging data science to address equity in substance use treatment and policy research focusing on social determinants, including trauma, and their role in the development and maintenance of alcohol and other substance use disorders.

Dr. Hien received her B.A. in Psychology from Cornell University, and her M.S., M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University. She received her postdoctoral training in substance use research at the Division on Substance Use Disorders at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, where she has retained a longstanding appointment, now as Adjunct Senior Research Scientist. Over her career, she has served on the doctoral faculties of the Derner School of Psychology at Adelphi University, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, and The City College of New York. Within each of these institutions, she has held numerous leadership roles in academic and research administration.



Selected Recent Publications (out of over 140: For a more complete list, see CV and

Impact (as of Sept, 2024)

Google Scholar Report: 7,846 citations, h-index=41; SCOPUS citation report: 4,392 citations, average 33 per article, h-index=31; Research Gate report: 5,570 citations, h-index=35. Number of citations exceeds 1,000 for a review I organized and co-authored in Drug and Alcohol Dependence in 2007 and 600 for a treatment study in the American Journal of Psychiatry. Other journals where I published are also of high impact (e.g., Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics). Impact (including on the general public, but also in the criminal justice system) is also evident as further described below (invited talks, consulting activities).



Ruglass, LM, Espinosa, A, ^Sheyvorkin, A, Sykes, K, ^Dambreville, N, ^Nicholson, R, & Hien, DA. (2017). Direct and indirect effects of cumulative trauma, PTSD, and substance use disorder on probability of arrest among lower income African American and Latina women, Race and Justice, Vol 8 (2), E-pub 2016 June 30,

^Papini, S., Ruglass, L. M., ^Lopez-Castro, T., Powers, M. B., Smits, J. A. J., Hien, DA. (2017).  Chronic cannabis use is associated with impaired fear extinction in humans. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 126 (1), 117-124. (E-pub 2016 Nov 3).

Ruglass, LM, Shevorykin, A, Radoncic, V, Galatzer-Levy, I, Zumberg, K, Smith, P & Hien, DA. (2017). Impact of cannabis use on PTSD + SUD outcomes, Journal of Clinical Medicine. 6(2), 14. (E-pub 2017 Feb 7).

Ruglass, LM, ^Papini, S, ^Lopez-Castro, T, Back, S, Killeen, T & Hien, DA. (2017). Concurrent treatment with prolonged exposure for co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders: A randomized clinical trial, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 86:150–161 (doi: 10.1159/000462977).

^Rubin, M, Hien, DA, ^Dipanjana, D, & Melara, R. (2017). The role of spontaneous eye blinks in Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Brain Sciences, 7(2). (doi:10.3390/brainsci7020016) PMID 28165364.

Campbell, ANC., Back, SE, Ostroff, JS, Hien, DA., Gourevitch, M, Sheffer, C, Brady, KT, Hanley, K, Bereket, S, & Book, S. (2017). Addiction Research Training Programs: Four Case Studies and Recommendations for Evaluation. Journal of Academic Medicine, 11(5), 333-338 (doi: 10.1097/ADM.0000000000000328).

Ruglass, LM, ^Shevorkyin, A, ^Brezing, C, Hu, M & Hien, DA. (2017). Demographic and clinical characteristics of treatment seeking women with PTSD and concurrent cannabis and cocaine use disorders. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 80, 45-51. (doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2017.06.007), PMID 28755772.

Hien, DA, ^Lopez-Castro, T, ^Papini, S, Gorman, B. & Ruglass, LM. (2017). Emotion dysregulation moderates the effect of cognitive behavior therapy with prolonged exposure for co-occurring PTSD and substance use disorders. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 52, 53-61. (doi:10.1016/j.janxdis.2017.10.003). PubMed 29049902, NIHMSID 913661)

Hahm, HC, Chang, ST, Tong, HQ, Lee, G.Y., Tagerman, M.D., Lee, C.S., Trentadue,       M.P., & Hien, DA.(2017). Asian Women’s Action for Resilience and Empowerment      Intervention: Stage I Pilot Study: A Stage 1 trial of the AWARE intervention, Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, Vol. 48(10), 1537–1553.



Maru, M., ^Saraiya, T., Lee, C., Meghania, O., Hien, DA, & Hahm, H. (2018). The relationship between intimate partner violence and suicidal ideation among young Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese American women, Women and Therapy. 41:3-4, 339-355 (doi:10.1080/02703149.2018.1430381).

^Chao, T, ^Radoncic, V, Hien, DA, Bedi, G & Haney, M. (2018). Stress responding in cannabis smokers as a function of trauma exposure, sex, and relapse in the human laboratory. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 185, 23-32. (doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.11.021).

Melara, R, Ruglass, LM, Fertuck, E & Hien, DA. (2018). Regulation of threat in post-traumatic stress disorder: Associations between inhibitory control and dissociative symptoms. Biological Psychology, 133, 89-98. (doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2018.01.017).

Melara, R, Singh, S, Hien, DA. (2018). Neural and behavioral correlates of attentional inhibition training and perceptual discrimination training in a visual flanker task. Frontiers in Neuroscience. Vol 12, Article 191.(doi:10.3389/fnhum.2018.00191).

Hien, DA, ^Zumberg, K., Owens, M, ^Lopez-Castro, T, Ruglass, L, & ^Papini, S. (2018). Lagged effects of symptom change in a randomized controlled trial for PTSD and substance use disorders with modified prolonged exposure and relapse prevention. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 86 (10), 810-819, NIHMS 984048, PMID 30265040.



^Saraiya, T., ^Zumberg, K., Campbell, A., & Hien, DA. (2019). Posttraumatic stress symptoms, shame, and substance use among Asian Americans, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 96, 1-11,

Lopez-Castro, T., ^Smith, K.Z., ^Nicholson, R.A., Armas, A. & Hien, D.A. (2019). Does a history of violent offending impact treatment response for comorbid PTSD and substance use disorders? A secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 97, 47-58,



^Papini, SP, Rubin, M, Powers, MB, Smits, JA, Hien, DA. (2020). Pretreatment PTSD symptom network metrics predict the strength of the association between node change and network change during treatment, Journal of Traumatic Stress, Vol 33 (1), 64-71. 10.1002/jts.22379.

^Saraiya, T., Swarbrick, M., ^Franklin, L., ^Kass, S. & Hien, D.A. (2020). Perspectives on trauma and the design of a technology-based trauma-informed intervention for women receiving medications for addiction treatment in a community based setting, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.112, 92-101.

^Fitzpatrick, S., ^Saraiya, T., Ruglass, L.M., Lopez-Castro, T. & Hien, D.A. (2020). Trauma characteristics of age of onset of trauma and severity predict treatment outcomes in a randomized clinical trial: A secondary analysis. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Vol 113, 107976.

Hien, D.A., Kropp, F., Wells, E.A., Campbell, A.N., Hatch-Maillette, M., Lopez-Castro, T., Killeen, T., Ruglass, L.M., Saavedra, L. (2020). The “Women and Trauma” study and its national impact on advancing trauma specific approaches in community substance use treatment and research. For the 20th Anniversary of the Clinical Trials Network, Special Issue in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 112, 12-17.

^Saraiya, T., Lopez-Castro, T., Fareri, D., Fertuck, E., & Hien, D.A., Melara, R. (2020). The social cognitive appraisal of trustworthiness in individuals with dimensional levels of post-traumatic stress symptoms: A translational study, European Journal of Psychotraumatology. Vol 10 (1).

^Morgan-Lopez, A.A., Saavedra, L.M., Hien, D.A., Killeen, T.K., Back, S.E., Ruglass, L.M., Fitzpatrick, S., Lopez-Castro, T., & Patock-Peckham, J.A. (2020). Estimation of equable scale scores and treatment outcomes from patient- and clinician-reported PTSD measures using item response theory calibration. Psychological Assessment. 32(4), 321–335.

^ Saraiya, T., Pavlicova, M., Hu, M., Nunes, E. V., Hien, D. A., & Campbell, A.

(2020). Exploring gender differences among treatment-seekers who use opioids versus alcohol and other drugs.  Women & Health, 31, 1-18. PMID: 32233747. PMCID: PMC7332367

Morgan-Lopez, A.A., Killeen T.K., Saavedra, L.M., Hien, D.A., ^Fitzpatrick, S., Ruglass, L.M., & Back, S.E. (2020). Crossover between diagnostic and empirical categorizations of full and subthreshold PTSD. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.

Saavedra, L.M., Morgan-Lopez, A.A., Hien, D.A., Back, S.E., Killeen, T.K., Ruglass, L.M., & Lopez-Castro, T. (2020). Putting the patient back in clinical significance: Using item response theory in estimating clinically significant change in treatment for PTSD and SUDs. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 34 (2), 454-466.

^Saraiya, T., ^Fitzpatrick, S., Lopez-Castro, T., Back, S., Hien, D.A. (2020). The social emotional profiles of PTSD, complex PTSD, and Borderline Personality Disorder: A latent class analysis of ICD-11 criteria. Journal of Traumatic Stress.

Allan, N. P., López-Castro, T., Hien, D.A., ^Papini, S., Killeen, T. K., Gros, D. F., Ruglass, L. M., Barrett, E., & Back, S. E. (2020). Response-to-treatment for comorbid post-traumatic stress and substance use disorders: The value of combining person- and variable-centered approaches. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 42, 725–738. 

Norman, S.B. and Hien, D.A. (2020). Behavioral Interventions for Comorbid PTSD and Substance Use Disorder. PTSD Research Quarterly, National Center for PTSD, Vol. 31(2).

Ruglass, L.M., Morgan-Lopez, A.A., Hien, D.A., Killeen, T.K., Lopez-Castro, T. (2020) Measurement non-equivalence on the Clinician-administered PTSD Scale (CAPS-IV-TR) by race/ethnicity among women with co-occurring PTSD and substance use disorders. Psychological Assessment, 32(11), 1015-1027.



Zhao, Y., Constable, R. Todd, Hien, D.A., Chung, T., Potenza, M.B. (2021). Brain anatomical covariation patterns linked to binge drinking and age at first full drink. Neuroimage: Clinical, 129 102529.  Deposited to the bioRxiv  Preprint 10.1101/2020.08.02.232942 has posted on bioRxiv:

^Martinez, S., Jones, J.D., Brandt, L., Hien, D.A., Campbell, A., Batchelder, S., & Comer, S.D.  (2021). Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) in Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 221, 108632.

Kline, A. C., Straus, E., Lyons, R. C., Angkaw, A. C., Davis, B. C., Haller, M., Hien, D.A., & Norman, S. B. (2021). Substance use predictors of attendance among veterans in integrated PTSD and alcohol use disorder treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 124, 108278.

^Polanco-Roman, L, Miranda, R., Hien., D. & Anglin, D.M. (2021). Racial/ethnic discrimination as race-based trauma and suicide-related risk in racial/ethnic minority young adults: The role of stress sensitivity and dissociation. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 13(7), 759-767.

^Fitzpatrick, S., Morgan-Lopez, A. A., ^Saraiya, T.C., Back, S.E., Killeen, T.K., Norman, S. B., Lopez-Castro, T., Ruglass, L.M., Saavedra, L.M., & Hien, D.A. (2021). Graded Response Item Response Theory in Scaling Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors among Trauma-Exposed Women with Substance Use Disorders. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 36(4), 397-409.

Hien, D.A., ^Bauer, A., ^Franklin, L., ^Lalwali, T., & ^Pean, K. (2021). Coronavirus, opioid use, and racism: Conceptualizing the COR syndemic and its associations to traumatic stress, Psychiatric Services. Published Online:4 Aug 2021

Hien, D.A., Lopez-Castro, T. ^Fitzpatrick, S., T., Fertuck, E., Ruglass, L., & Melara, R. (2021). Translational approaches to advance novel treatment development for PTSD and SUD. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, Volume 127, 779-794, 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2021.05.022

Saavedra, L. Morgan-Lopez, A., Hien, D.A., López-Castro, T., Ruglass L.M., Back, S.E., Fitzpatrick, S., Norman, S.B., Killeen, T., Hamblen, J. and CAST*Consortium on Addictions, Stress and Trauma (CAST) Authors (2021). Evaluating treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder, alcohol and other drug use disorders using meta-analysis of individual patient data: Design and methodology of a virtual clinical trial, Contemporary Clinical Trials, 107, 106479.

Lopez-Castro, T., Zhao, Y., Fitzpatrick, S., Ruglass, L. & Hien, D.A. (2021). Seeing the forest for the trees: Predicting attendance in trials for co-occurring PTSD and substance use disorders with a machine learning approach. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 89(10), 869–884.

Hien, D.A, Fitzpatrick, S. et al., (2021). What’s in a name? Creating a taxonomy for PTSD-SUD treatment types: Report from a consensus meeting of the Consortium of Addiction, Stress and Trauma (CAST), Project Harmony, European Journal of Psychotraumatology. 13 (1), 2001191.        



^Im, S., ^Fitzpatrick, S., Hien, D.A., Lopez Castro, T., Pawlak, A & Melara, R. (2022). Frontal alpha asymmetry in children with trauma exposure, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 1-8.

Morgan Lopez, A., Hien, D.A., ^Saraiya, T.C., Saavedra, L., Norman, S., Killeen, T., Simpson, T., ^Fitzpatrick, S., Mills K.L., Ruglass, L.M., Back, S.E., López-Castro, T., and the Consortium on Addiction, Stress and Trauma (CAST). Estimating PTSD severity in the presence of differential item functioning across populations, comorbidities and interview measures: Introduction to Project Harmony. (2022). Journal of Traumatic Stress, 35(3), 926-940.

^Bauer, A., Ruglass, L., Shevorykin, A., ^Saraiya, T., Robinson, G., Cadet, K., Julien, L., Chao, T., & Hien, D.(2022). Predictors of therapeutic alliance, treatment feedback, and clinical outcomes among African American women in treatment for co-occurring PTSD and SUD. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 139, 108766.

Saavedra, L.M., Morgan-Lopez, A.A., Back, S.E., Patel, S.V., Hien, D.A., Killeen, T.K., Norman, S.B., ^Fitzpatrick, S., ^Ebrahimi, C.T., Ruglass, L.M (2022). Measurement Error-Corrected Estimation of Clinically Significant Change Trajectories for Interventions targeting comorbid PTSD and SUDs in OEF/OIF Veterans, Behavior Therapy, 53(5), 1009-1023.

Lopez-Castro, T., Papini, S., Bauer, A., Swarbrick, M., Paul, L. K., Nizzi, M., … Hien, D. (2022, May 26). Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom trajectories in a 16-month COVID-19 pandemic period.

Simpson, T.L., Kaysen, D.L., Fleming, C., Rhew, I.C., Jaffe, A.E., Desai, S., Hien, D.A., Berliner, L., Donovan, D., Resick, P. (2022) Cognitive Processing Therapy or Relapse Prevention for Comorbid PTSD and Alcohol Use Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial. PLOS One Psychiatry, 17(11), e0276111-.

Kline, A.C., Panza, K.E., Lyons, R., Kehle-Forbes, S.M., Hien, D.A., & Norman, S.B

(2022). Trauma-Focused Treatment for Comorbid Post-Traumatic Stress and Substance Use Disorder, Nature Reviews Psychology, 2(1), 24-39.



Lopez-Castro, T., Papini, S., Hien, D.A., Bauer, A., Swarbrick, M., Nizzi, M.C. (2023). A year like no other: Trajectories of trauma during a global pandemic, COVID Dynamic study, Journal of Traumatic Stress 36(1):180-192. doi: 10.1002/jts.22899. Epub 2022 Dec 26.

Hien, D.A., Morgan-López, A.A., Saavedra, L. et al. (2023, published online, Dec 7, 2022). Project Harmony: A meta-analysis with individual patient data of behavioral and pharmacologic trials for comorbid posttraumatic stress, alcohol and other drug use disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry., PMID 36475373.

^Kenney, J., Wu, E., & Hien, D.A. (published online, March 15, 2023). Arrest Risks for Women with Substance Use Disorders, Smith College Studies in Social Work.

Morgan‐López, A. A., Saavedra, L. M., Hien, D. A., Norman, S. B., Fitzpatrick, S. S., Ye, A., ... & Back, S. E. (2023). Differential symptom weighting in estimating empirical thresholds for underlying PTSD severity: Toward a “platinum” standard for diagnosis? International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 32(3), e1963.

Ruglass, L.M., Shevorykin, A., Zhao, Y., Killeen, T.K., Morgan-Lopez, A., Back, S.E., Fitzpatrick, S.,  Lopez-Castro, T., Norman, S.B., Saavedra, L.M.,& Hien, D.A. (2023) Self-report and urine drug screen concordance among women with co-occurring PTSD and substance use disorders participating in a clinical trial: Impact of drug type and participant characteristics. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 244, 109769.

Papini S, López-Castro T, Swarbrick M, Paul LK, Stanley D, Bauer A; COVID-Dynamic Team; Hien DA. Alcohol, cannabis, and nicotine use have distinct associations with COVID-19 pandemic-related experiences: An exploratory Bayesian network analysis across two timepoints. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023 Jul 1;248:109929. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2023.109929. Epub 2023 May 16. PMID: 37267744; PMCID: PMC10186931.

Saraiya, T. C., Back, S. E., Jarnecke, A. M., Blakey, S. M., Bauer, A. G., Brown, D. G., ... & Hien, D. A. (2023). Sex and Gender Differences in Co-Occurring Alcohol Use Disorder and PTSD. Current Addiction Reports, 10(4), 617-627.



Hien, D. A., ^Papini, S., Saavedra, L. M., Bauer, A. G., Ruglass, L. M., ^Ebrahimi, C. T., Fitzpatrick, S., López-Castro, T., Norman, S. B., Killeen, T. K., Back, S. E., & Morgan-López, A. A. (2024). Project harmony: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of psychotherapy and pharmacologic trials for comorbid posttraumatic stress, alcohol, and other drug use disorders. Psychological Bulletin, 150(3), 319 353.

Hill ML, Kline AC, Saraiya TC, Gette J, Ruglass LM, Norman SB, Back SE, Saavedra LM, Hien DA, Morgan-López AA. (2024) Cannabis use and trauma-focused treatment for co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders: A meta-analysis of individual patient data. J Anxiety Disord. Mar;102:102827. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2024.102827. Epub 2024 Jan 10. PMID: 38266511.

Ebrahimi, C. T., Polanco-Roman, L., Saraiya, T. C., Bauer, A. G., & Hien, D. (2024). Historical trauma and polysubstance use in Black young adults: The role of contemporary racism. Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy. 16(6), 922-929.

Hinojosa CA, Sitar SI, Zhao JC, Barbosa, JD, Hien, DA, Welsh, JW, Fani, N & van Rooij, SJH. (2024). Functional Domains of Substance Use and their Implications to Trauma: A Systematic Review of Neuroimaging Studies. Chronic Stress, 8, 1-16. doi:10.1177/24705470241258752

Back, S. E., Jarnecke, A. M., Norman, S. B., Zaur, A. J., & Hien, D. A. (2024). State of the Science: Treatment of comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 1–11.

Saraiya, T., Hien, D., Singal, S. & Hahm, H.C. (2024) Increasing the Visibility of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders in Substance Use Research: A Call to Action, Drug and Alcohol Dependencedoi: 111369

Saraiya, T.C., Helpinstill, S.K., Gray, D., Hien, D.A., Brady, K.T., Hood, C.O., & Back, S.E. (2024). The lived experiences and treatment needs of women with opioid use disorder and PTSS symptoms: A mixed methods study of women and providers. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment, 161, 209344.

Morgan-Lopez, A.A., Saavedra, L.M., Prakhash, K., West, S.G., & Hien, D.A. (2024). The “hidden” psychometric model underlying the DSM: What happens when it fails to fit psychiatric data? Psychiatric Services, 75(9), 937-938.

Swarbrick, M., Di Bello, A., Eissentat, S., Nemec, P., Gill, K. & Hien, D. (in press). Factor Structure, Reliability, and Construct Validity of the Wellness Inventory. Psychiatric Services.

^ - Student


Research Interests

Effects of trauma exposures and addiction on the mind and body; intergenerational trauma and the impact of parental history on child functioning; the role of threat-related cognitive processing in the development and maintenance of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and associated interpersonal impairments; efficacy of treatment interventions for co-occurring PTSD and addiction; psychophysiological (EEG) predictors of social emotions related to trauma and PTSD; multicultural/diversity barriers in mentoring in social sciences; Leveraging data science to address equity in substance use treatment research. 


Board Certification in Clinical Psychology (ABPP), 30 years in private practice working with traumatic stress and addiction related disorders, evidence-based assessment and treatment of PTSD and SUD, clinical supervisor and mentor, consulting for legal cases on physical and sexual abuse in the women’s prison population by prison guards. Licensed psychologist in New York State, New Jersey, and PSYPACT.

Grant Support

Grants and Awards (see CV for past support)

2019-2024 Consultant/Scientific Advisory Board, “Missing Data Matters: Substance Use Disorder Clinical Trials” (PI: Dan Scharfstein, MD; Co-I’s: Edward Nunes, MD & Aimee Campbell, Ph.D.), National Institute on Drug Abuse. Total Direct and Indirect Costs ~$2.0 Million.

2022-2024 Principal Investigator, Addiction Continuing Education for Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselors, State of New Jersey, Department of Health, Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services, $108,000.

2020-2025 Scientific Advisory Board Member, Diversity in Addiction Research Training at the Medical University of South Carolina, (DART) (PIs: Sudie Back, Ph.D. & Kathleen Brady, M.D., Ph.D.) at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), (National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH R25 DA020537, $2.0 million

2020-2025 Principal Investigator, Translational Research Training in Addictions at City College and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons (TRACC) (MPI: Ruglass, CCNY; Co-I’s: Frances R. Levin, M.D., Aimee Campbell, Ph.D., Francine Conway, Ph.D., Robert Melara, Ph.D., Mauricio Trevisan, M.D.), National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH) R25 Renewal, Total Direct and Indirect Costs $2.0 Million.

2021-2026 Scientific Advisory Board Member, Enhancing Diversity in Alcohol Research (EDAR) program (PI: Julianne Flanagan, Ph.D.), National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, R25.

2021-2026 Scientific Partner, Center for Technology and Behavioral Health (CTBH) (PI: Lisa Marsch, Ph.D), National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH-NIDA funded P30.

2021-2026 Mentor, LEAD Program, (PIs: Carmen Masson, Gideon St. Helen), R25, NIDA.

2022-2027 Mentor, FLORIDA-FIRST Health Sciences Brigade, National Institutes of Health, (PI: Frankie Wong, Ph.D.), U54 NIH.

2023-2028 Co-Investigator, Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trial of Massed PTSD Treatment with Veterans in Substance Use Treatment (MPI: Norman, Ph.D., University of California San Diego; Co-I’s: Kehle-Forbes, University of Minnesota), Veterans Administration, Total Direct and Indirect Costs 2.4 Million. Submitted August 15, 2022.

2023-2029 Consultant/Scientific Advisor, “Project HOPE: Stepped Care for IPV PTSD” (PIs: Tami Sullivan, Dawn Johnson, Edelman), NIDA R33/R61 Total and Direct Costs 3.5 Million, National Institute on Drug Abuse R61/R33.

2024-2029 Chair, Data Safety Monitoring Board, Novel Telemedicine-Delivered Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Treating PTSD in Individuals with OUD (PI: Kelly R. Peck, Ph.D.), National Institute on Drug Abuse, R01 DA057308

2024-2029 Scientific Advisory Board, Training in Research Undergraduate Experience through the Rutgers Addiction Research Center: The TRUE RARC Scholar Program (PI: Danielle Dick, Ph.D.), R25 NIDA, Score 28, 3.20.24, Funded September 2024.

2022-2027 Principal Investigator, Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trial of Massed PTSD Treatment in a Community Residential Substance Use Program (MPI: Norman, Ph.D., University of California San Diego; Co-I’s: Hodgkins, Ph.D.,  Gateway Community Services, Florida, Kehle-Forbes, University of Minnesota), National Institute Mental Health (NIH) R01, Total Direct and Indirect Costs 3.7 Million. Submitted June 15, 2022. Scored 32, September 30, 2022. Resubmitted October 15, 2023. Funded September 3, 2024.


1987-1989 Awardee, Teachers College Minority Scholarship

1994 Awardee, The College on Problems of Drug Dependence, National Institute on Drug Abuse Travel Award

1996 Awardee, National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect, Cornell University, Research Summer Institute Awardee

2008 Nominee, Best Paper of the Year, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

2014 Awardee, NIAAA/R13 Symposium (APA Convention) Travel Award

2017 Nominee, Distinguished Mentorship Award, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

2018 Elected Advisory Board Member for DART Program, Medical University of South Carolina

2019 Elected Member, The College on Problems of Drug Dependence

2019 Honoree, Humanitarian of the Year, Empowering Futures, Transforming Communities Gala, Center for Great Expectations, New Jersey

2020 Eminent Scholar Mentorship Award, UMBC, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, for work with Rebecca Schact, Ph.D.

2020 Inaugural Helen E. Chaney Endowed Chair in Alcohol Studies, Center of Alcohol & Substance Use Studies, Rutgers University-New Brunswick.

2021 Nominee, Board of Governors, College on Problems of Drug Dependence

2022 Nominee, Marian W. Fischman Memorial Lecture Award, College on Problems of Drug Dependence, recognizing the contributions of an outstanding woman scientist in drug abuse research.

2022 Certificate of Appreciation, New York Army National Guard, recognizing the contribution of trauma and mental health resources for National Guard soldiers on the COVID-19 mortuary affairs mission in 2020 and 2022.

2022 Nominee, Award for Excellence in Trauma Services for the Underserved: Policy, Advocacy, Research and Clinical, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

2022 Nominee, Lifetime Achievement Award, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

2023 Letter of Appreciation for Service, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Effective Health Care Program

2023 Inaugural Mary Jean Kreek Award for Underserved Populations, College on Problems of Drug Dependence

2023 Award for Excellence in Trauma Services for the Underserved: Policy, Advocacy, Research and Clinical, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies