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Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology


Cary Cherniss is a member in the APA/NASP approved School Psychology program.  He studies the role of emotional intelligence in the workplace and is the author of Promoting Emotional Intelligence in Organizations (ASTD Press) and The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace (Jossey-Bass). He has written six books and over 60 journal articles and book chapters on topics such as job stress and burnout, consultation and planned organizational change, leadership development, school change, and the creation of new settings. His research has been funded by several sources, including the National Institute of Mental Health and the U.S. Office of Population Affairs. He currently is co-chair of the The Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations. Dr. Cherniss has consulted with many organizations in both the public and private sectors including AT&T,  American Express, Johnson & Johnson, and Colgate-Palmolive. He is a fellow of the American Psychological Association, past president of its Division 27 (Society for Community Research and Action), and a member of both the Academy of Management and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 


Emotional intelligence in the workplace; job stress and burnout; organizational development and planned change; consultation; management training; human resource development; community psychology; career development; school change.