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Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology

Louis Kruger is an Associate Professor and Director of Northeastern University’s PhD and specialist level school psychology programs. Dr. Kruger has published and presented more than fifty papers and has edited or co-edited three books, including his most recent one on high stakes testing. For more than 20 years, he served as associate editor of Special Services in Schools and later of the Journal of Applied School Psychology. As a graduate student at GSAPP, he received the Robert T. Weitz Award for his work in the interests of professional psychology. He also was recognized as the Massachusetts School Psychology Trainer of the Year in 1991. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts School Psychologists Association by which he was given two meritorious service awards. Dr. Kruger has served as a consultant to school systems and non-profit organizations on topics related to teamwork, program evaluation, and strategic planning. He recently produced and directed his first documentary film, Children Left Behind, about high stakes testing in the public schools. The film has been shown at multiple venues,
including national conventions such as APA and the Massachusetts State House.


May, 2010


Louis Kruger, PsyD (School, 1986) is the winner of the Peterson Prize for outstanding contributions to Professional Psychology. Dr. Kruger is an Associate Professor and Director of Northeastern University’s PhD and specialist level school psychology programs. 


August, 2009


Lou Kruger’s (1982 School) film documentary, Children Left Behind, has been selected to be shown at the APA Convention in Toronto. The showing is scheduled for the Metro Convention Centre, North Building, Constitution Hall 107, on Saturday, August 8th from 12:45 to 1:35 PM. The APA Ad Hoc Committee on Films reviewed 130 films for possible inclusion at the convention and selected 30. He was competing against some big producers. Last year, for example, the convention showed films produced by HBO, ABC, Miramax, Touchstone Pictures, PBS, National Film Board of Canada, Castle Rock Entertainment and the BBC. School psychologists and Northeastern University students made major contributions to the film’s development. The documentary was recently shown at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, where it received a standing ovation, and the Massachusetts State House for the state legislators and their aides. For more information about the film and a video trailer, please visit: