Dr. Kenneth Schneider

Kenneth C. Schneider, professor emeritus, was formerly the Chairman of the Department of Applied Psychology. As a school psychologist he focused on students with educational disabilities. His academic interests focus on the psychological aspects of exceptionality and college students with learning disabilities; in this latter area he has developed a pilot study for Rutgers University. His current interests include advocacy for developmentally disabled individuals and their families. He works extensively with students and is a popular supervisor in the areas of both clinical work and dissertation research. Dr. Schneider is professionally active and a consultant to the New Jersey public defender's office. He is a licensed practicing psychologist. Dr. Schneider is still active in the work of GSAPP Applied department.
Seminar in psychoeducational interventions
Exceptional children in the school, family, and community
Individual cognitive assessment
Child psychopathology
Psychoeducational foundations of learning disabilities
Cognitive assessment; learning disabilities; behavioral consultation with students, parents, teachers; families with exceptional individuals