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Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology

Jamila Irons-Johnson Achievement Award

The Jamila Irons-Johnson, PsyD (Class of 2004) Achievement Award is given to a GSAPP student with second- or higher year standing who has demonstrated commendable academic achievement and exceptional clinical skills. Eligible students include those who exhibit a commitment to working with ethnic minority populations and/or assisting underserved children and adolescents who may have been victims of abuse, encompassed in a foster care system, or struggling with a traumatic event, anxiety disorder, or mood disorder.

Jamila (1977-2013) was a beloved clinical psychologist who received many accolades and awards for her outstanding academic performance in both her undergraduate and graduate studies. Jamila's passion for children compelled her to choose a career that would safeguard them.


Award Recipients

Ismoni Walker (Headshot)

Ismoni Walker

2024 Jamila Irons-Johnson, PsyD Achievement Award

Kevin Eslava

Kevin Eslava

2022 Jamila Irons-Johnson, PsyD Achievement Award

Caitlin O’Donnell

Caitlin O’Donnell

2017 Jamila Irons-Johnson, PsyD Achievement Award

Clare Lagarde

Clare Lagarde

2016 Jamila Irons-Johnson, PsyD Achievement Award

Sarah Shankman Kerner

Sarah Shankman Kerner

2015 Jamila Irons-Johnson, PsyD Achievement Award

Amber Ricks

Amber Ricks

2014 Jamila Irons-Johnson, PsyD Achievement Award

Jennifer Rodriguez

Jennifer Rodriguez

2013 Jamila Irons-Johnson, PsyD Achievement Award