Dr. Joshua Langberg

Joshua M. Langberg, PhD (he/him), is a licensed clinical psychologist, Professor of Psychology, and Director of the GSAPP Center for Youth Social Emotional Wellness (CYSEW). He is also the inaugural Chief Wellness Officer of Rutgers University-New Brunswick. Dr. Langberg joined Rutgers in 2022 after working at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), where he was the Associate Director of Operations for the Clark-Hill Institute for Positive Youth Development and served as the Associate Dean for Research and Operations for the College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) at VCU form 2018-2021. He received his PhD in Clinical-Community Psychology from the University of South Carolina and completed his predoctoral internship at Duke University Medical Center. Dr. Langberg started his career at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) and transitioned to VCU in 2011.
Dr. Langberg is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Research on Child Adolescent Psychopathology (formerly Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology), author or co-author of over 150 peer-reviewed publications and three books, and has served as the principal investigator on several grant awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences (IES). Dr. Langberg developed the Homework, Organization, and Planning Skills (HOPS) intervention and collaborated with Dr. Arthur Anastopoulos to develop the Accessing Campus Connections & Empowering Student Success (ACCESS) intervention. A list of Dr. Langberg’s publications is available through Google Scholar.
His clinical and research interests focus on improving the academic and behavioral functioning of adolescents and emerging adults with ADHD and the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based practices in school and community settings.