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Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
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Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology

GSAPP Clinical PsyD Student to Serve as CUDCP Rep

Kevin Eslava

Congratulations to Kevin Eslava, a second-year Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) student at GSAPP, who was selected to serve a two-year term as Student Representative for the Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology (CUDCP). CUDCP's purpose is to promote the advancement of graduate education in clinical psychology that produces psychologists who are educated and trained to generate and integrate scientific and professional knowledge to further psychological science, the professional practice of psychology, and human welfare. As one of two student representatives, Kevin is tasked with providing a graduate student perspective on student experiences, opinions, and concerns to the CUDCP Board. Kevin will begin his term in August 2022, when he attends the CUDCP Annual Board Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.

According to Kevin, "Being selected as a student representative for the CUDCP means a seat at the table as a future clinician of color, as a Latino, as a first-gen. I'm grateful for the opportunity to bring in a culturally-unique perspective that reflects a diverse future generation of psychologists. My hope is that by filling this position, I can help advocate for future clinicians and further highlight the importance of cultural representation within the field of psychology."