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  • International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision

International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision

Date & Time

Wednesday, June 11, 2025, 9:00 a.m.-Friday, June 13, 2025, 5:00 p.m.




RU Douglass Campus, New Brunswick, NJ


Dr. Jessica Benas


Proposal Submission Deadline is Jan 31st.

Early Bird registration ends April 1st. 


The International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision (IICCS) is unique in being able to bring together supervision practitioners, educators, and scholars from across the spectrum of mental health professions and from around the world to have dialogues and create synergies that otherwise would not be possible.

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IICCS invites proposals for the conference. Proposals will be peer-reviewed. The submission deadline is January 31, 2025.

There are four options:

  • Paper presentations can be presentations of research or practice. These will be presented in paper sessions, bundled with other papers that are as similar as possible in topic.
  • Poster presentations will be on display in the exhibit hall throughout the duration of the conference. In addition, there will be an assigned time when presenters will be available for attendees to view and ask questions. 
  • Roundtable discussions are an opportunity for informal, in-depth discussions between presenters and attendees on a specific topic. The advantage of roundtable sessions is that they allow for stimulating conversations and networking opportunities among participants on shared research interests.
  • Workshops (90 min) are practice-oriented sessions that are geared toward providing clinicians with tools that can be readily translated and applied in training settings. Given scheduling constraints, only a limited number of workshop proposals will be accepted. 

Note: All authors of accepted presentations will need to register for the conference.

Submit Your Abstract Here


Plenary Speakers:

Presenter: Catherine Eubanks, PhD

Title: Practicing what we preach: Rupture and Repair in Supervision

Title: Catherine Eubanks is a Professor at the Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology at Adelphi University and co-Director of the Center for Alliance-Focused Training. Her research focuses on training and supervising therapists to identify and repair ruptures in the therapeutic alliance. Dr. Eubanks is a past president of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI), a Fellow of the Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy/APA Division 29, past Executive Officer of the North American chapter of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), and a previous recipient of early career awards from both Division 29 and SPR. She currently serves as Managing Editor of the journal Psychotherapy Research and previously served as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology (JCCP). She has published over 80 journal articles and book chapters, co-authored one book, co-edited one book, and served as an associate editor for the recently published APA Handbook of Psychotherapy.


Presenter: Evelyn A. Hunter, PhD

Title: Bridging Competence Gaps: Cultivating cultural humility in combating trainee competence challenges

Evelyn A. Hunter, PhD is a Licensed Psychologist and Associate Professor at Auburn University. Her scholarship is rooted in an integrated care framework examining the impact of psychosocial stressors on disparities in autoimmune conditions through the specific pathways of psychological distress. She also generates scholarship related to the ethical considerations of trainee competence development. She is engaged in the development and training of doctoral level supervisees in an APA-accredited Counseling Psychology program, with a particular focus on Ethics issues, and diversity, equity, and inclusion in mental health. She is co-owner of Auburn Psychological Wellness Center, a multidisciplinary group practice that provides therapy, assessment, and psychiatric services. She is a past-Chair of the American Psychological Association (APA) Ethics Committee (2023) and member of the APA Board of Educational Affairs’ Workgroup on Trainees with Problems of Professional Competence. She regularly consults for professional training programs across the country and has a published book (alongside colleagues Rebecca Schwartz-Mette and Nadine Kaslow) on the topic of supporting trainees with problems in professional competence.

Good supervision engages developmentally appropriate, supportive guidance in the integration of foundation and functional knowledge, skills, and interpersonal abilities required to operate effectively (i.e., clinical competencies). However, almost all supervisors, trainers, and clinical staff navigate experiences with problems of professional competence (PPC) at some point across the career span. As such, supervisors/trainers must strategically invest in their own development of cultural humility to build communitarian training cultures that proactively address trainee competence challenges. This presentation will overview the tenets of cultural humility as it relates to the identification, self-assessment, and remediation of PPC. Supervisors, educators, and scholars will be challenged to lean into developing communitarian training cultures (rooted in a framework of cultural humility) that lead to increases in competent professional practice and aide in combatting competence challenges when they appear.


Presenter: Scott Migdole, MSW, LCSW

Title: Supervising in Public Sector Behavioral Health: A practical model, and tips and tricks for navigating the space in the middle

Mr. Migdole is the Chief Operating Officer of Yale Behavioral Health and the Yale Program on Supervision and holds an appointment as Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry of the Yale School of Medicine. Within his Yale role, he serves as the Lead of the Yale Consulting Team designed to address concerns as defined by regulatory, accrediting, and/or oversight bodies, including quality of care. As a turnaround specialist, Mr. Migdole has extensive experience in consulting/managing agencies under Consent Order including serving as interim CEO for a 155-bed addiction treatment center. He also provides organizational consultation, including to both child and adult psychiatric facilities, regarding standards of care and supervision. He is a highly sought-after expert in adult and adolescent behavioral health, providing due diligence consultation and serving as an expert witness in hospital and juvenile justice malpractice cases.