Dr. Marsha Bates

Dr. Bates directs the Cardiac Neuroscience Laboratory, which promotes translation between basic human experimental and clinical science. Her transdisciplinary research program seeks to build novel intervention and prevention approaches to alcohol and drug related problems based on neurocognitive and neurocardiac mechanisms of behavior change. Her multi-institution research program is a component of the NIAAA Mechanism of Behavior Change Interdisciplinary Research Consortium (MIRC) which seeks to build novel approaches to alcohol-related problems via mechanism-based strategies.
Nguyen-Louie, T.T., Buckman, J.F., Ray, S. & Bates, M.E. (2016). Drinkers’ memory bias for alcohol picture cues in explicit and implicit memory tasks. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 160, 90-6. PMC4855832
Eddie, D. & Bates, M. E. (2016). Toward Validation of a Borderline Personality Disorder-Relevant Picture Set. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. PMC4972694
Buckman, J. F., Eddie, D., Vaschillo, E. G., Vaschillo, B., Garcia, A., & Bates, M. E. (2015). Immediate and complex cardiovascular adaptation to an acute alcohol dose. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39, 2334-2344. PMC4971776
Mann, S.L., Selby, E.A., Bates, M.E. & Contrada, R. J. (2015). Integrating affective and cognitive correlates of heart rate variability: A structural equation modeling approach. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 98, 76-86. PMC4980075
Alderman, B.L., Olson, R.L., Bates, M.E., Selby, E.A., Buckman, J.F., Brush, C.J., Panza, E.A., Kranzler, A., Eddie, D. & Shors, T.J. (2015). Rumination in major depressive disorder is associated with impaired neural activation during conflict monitoring. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9:269. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00269 PMC4428129
Vaschillo, E., Vaschillo, B., Buckman, J.F., Nguyen-Louie, T., Heiss, S., Pandina, R. J. & Bates, M.E. (2015). The effects of sighing on the cardiovascular system. Biological Psychology, 106, 86-95. PMC4386588
Shors, T.J., Olson, R.L., Bates, M.E., Selby, E.A., & Alderman, B.L. (2014). Mental and Physical (MAP) Training: A Neurogenesis-Inspired Intervention that Enhances Health in Humans. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 115, 3-9. PMC4535923
Eddie, D., Kim, C., Lehrer, P., Deneke, E., & Bates, M.E. (2014). A Pilot Study of Brief Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback to Reduce Craving in Young Adult Men Receiving Inpatient Treatment for Substance Use Disorders. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 39, 181-192. PMC4221295
Fonoberova, M. Mezić, I., Buckman, J.F. Fonoberov, V., Mezić, A., Vaschillo, E.G., Mun, E-Y, Vaschillo, B., & Bates, M.E. (2014). A Computational Physiology Approach to Personalized Treatment Models: The Beneficial Effects of Slow Breathing on the Human Cardiovascular System. American Journal of Physiology – Heart & Circulation, 307, H1073-H1091.PMC418074
Ray, S., Pandina, R.J., & Bates, M.E. (2014). Memory for Drug Related Visual Stimuli in Young Adult, Cocaine Dependent Polydrug Users. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 40, 170-175.
Bates, M.E., Buckman, J.F., Voelbel, G. Eddie, D., & Freeman, J. (2013). The mean and the individual: Integrating variable-centered and person-centered analyses of cognitive recovery in patients with substance use disorders. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 4,177. PMC3870950
Bates, M.E., Buckman, J.F., and Bates-Krakoff, J. (2013). Treatment of addictions and effects of neuropsychological impairment on mechanisms of behavior change. In D. N. Allen & S.P. Woods (Eds.), Neuropsychological Aspects of Substance Use Disorders: Evidence-Based Perspectives, Oxford University Press, 82-102.
Lehrer, P., Buckman, J.F., Mun, E-Y, Vaschillo, E.G., Vaschillo, B., *Udo, T., *Ngyen, T., & Bates, M.E. (2013). Negative mood and alcohol problems are related to respiratory dynamics in young adults. Applied Psychophysiologyand Biofeedback, 38, 273-284.
Udo, T., Buckman, J.F., Mun, E. Y., Vaschillo, E. G., Vaschillo, B., & Bates, M. E. (2013). Potential Side Effects of Unhealthy Lifestyle Choices and Health Risks on Basal and Reactive Heart Rate Variability in College Drinkers. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 74, 787-796.
*Eddie, D., Buckman, J.F., Mun, E.Y., Vaschillo, B., Vaschillo, E., Udo, T., Lehrer, P., and Bates, M.E. (2013). Different Associations of Alcohol Cue Reactivity with Negative Alcohol Expectancies in Mandated and Inpatient Samples of Young Adults. Addictive Behaviors, 38, 2040-2043. PMC3854952
Bates, M.E., Buckman, J.F., and *Nguyen, T.T. (2013). A Role for Cognitive Rehabilitation in Increasing the Effectiveness of Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorders. Neuropsychology Review. 23, 27-47. PMC3610413
Bates, M.E. & Buckman, J.F. (2013, March). Integrating Body and Brain Systems in Addiction Neuroscience. In P. Miller (Ed.) Biological Research on Addiction: Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders, Volume 2, New York: Academic Press.
Ray, S., Mun, E.Y., Buckman, J., *Udo, T. & Bates, M.E. (2012). Memory for emotional picture cues during acute alcohol intoxication. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.73, 718-25. PMC3410939
Vaschillo, E.G., Vaschillo, B., Buckman, J. F., Pandina, R. J., and Bates, M.E. (2012). Measurement of Vascular tone and stroke volume baroreflex gain. Psychophysiology, 49, 193-197. PMC3366428
Bates, M.E. & Buckman, J.F. (2012). Emotional dysregulation in the moment: Why some college students may not mature out of hazardous alcohol and drug use. In D. Rabiner and H. R. White (Eds.), College Student Drinking and Drug Use: Multiple Perspectives on a Complex Problem, NY: Guilford Press, 83-101.
Bates, M.E., Buckman, J.F., Vaschillo, E., Fonoberov, V.A., Fonoberova, M., Vaschillo, B., Mun E.Y., Mezic, A., & Mezic, I. (2011). The redistribution of power: Neurocardiac signaling, alcohol and gender. PLoS ONE 6(12): e28281. PMC3229550
Vaschillo, E.G., Vaschillo, B., Pandina, R. J., and Bates, M.E. (2011).Resonances in the Cardiovascular System Caused by Rhythmical Muscle Tension. Psychophysiology, 48. 927-936. PMC3094735
White, H.R., Marmorstein, N.R., Crews, F.T., Bates, M.E., Mun, E.Y., & Loeber, R. (2011). Associations between Heavy Drinking and Changes in Impulsive Behavior among Adolescent Males. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 35, 1-9. PMC3058919
Lagos, L. Vaschillo, E., Vaschillo, B., Lehrer, P., Bates, M.E., & Pandina, R. (2011). Virtual reality-assisted heart rate variability biofeedback asa strategy to improve golf performance: A case study. Biofeedback, 39, 15-20.
Vaschillo, E.G., Vaschillo, B., Buckman, J.F., Pandina, R. J., and Bates,M.E. (2011). The Investigation and Clinical Significance of Resonance in the Heart Rate and Vascular Tone Baroreflexes. Biomedical Engineering Systemsand Technologies Communications in Computer and Information Science, 127, 224-237.
Ray, S., Hanson, S., Hanson, C., & Bates, M.E. (2010). fMRI bold response in high risk college students (Part 1): During exposure to alcohol, marijuana, polydrug and emotional picture cues. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 45, 437-443. PMC2930251
Ray, S., Hanson, S., Hanson, C., *Rahman, R. & Bates, M.E. (2010). fMRI bold response in high risk college students (Part 2): During memory priming of alcohol, marijuana, polydrug and emotional picture cues. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 45, 444-448. PMC2930252
Buckman, J.F., White, H.R. & Bates, M.E. (2010). Psychophysiological Reactivity to Emotional Picture Cues Two Years after College Students Were Mandated for Alcohol Interventions. Addictive Behaviors, 35, 786-790, PMC2872043
Mun, E.Y., Bates, M.E. & Vaschillo, E. (2010). Closing the gap between person-oriented theory and methods. Development and Psychopathology,22, 261-271. PMC3874391
Weissman, A. & Bates, M. E. (2010). Increased clinical and neurocognitive impairment in children with autism spectrum disorders and comorbid bipolar disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 4, 670-680.
Vaschillo, E.G., Vaschillo, B., Buckman, J.F., Pandina, R. J. and Bates, M.E. (2010). Resonances in the Cardiovascular System: Investigation and Clinical Applications. BIOSIGNALS INSTICC Press, 21-28.
- The role of heart rate variability and the baroreflex mechanism in behavioral flexibility
- Acute and chronic alcohol and drug effects on cognitive and neuropsychological functioning
- The role of neurocognitive deficits and recovery of function in addiction treatment outcomes
- Translation of basic knowledge about neurocardiac signaling to develop novel interventions to interrupt craving and negative affective states that promote relapse
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and cardiovascular assessment as tools to understand cue reactivity and craving
- Collaborative research with systems analysts and computational modelers to build personalized medicine and prognostic models
- Collaborative research with neuroscientists, physiologists, exercise scientists, and a community partner/treatment provider, The Center for Great Expectations (Somerset, NJ) to examine the real world utility of our translational science models
Awards and Honors
Recent Awards
- Distinguished Service Award
- Society of Addiction Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 50
- 2014
- Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award
- Society of Addiction Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 50
- 2011
- Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year Nomination
- Rutgers University
- 2009
- One of 26 selected articles on addictive behaviors from APA journals from 1997-2006: Bates et al., “Risk factors and neuropsychological recovery in clients with alcohol use disorders who were exposed to different treatments,” APA Reprint Reader on Addictive Behaviors. Originally published in JCCP, 2004.
- 2008
- Neuroscience Teacher Recognition Award
- IES Brain Research Foundation, Sparta NJ
- 2007
- Fellow American Psychological Association, Divisions 50 (Addictions) and 28 (Psychopharmacology)
- 2006
- Faculty Academic Merit Awards
- Rutgers University
- 1993–2013
Awards to Students and Junior Faculty Mentored
- Deena Peyser
- NIDA Women & Gender Junior Investigator Travel Award (2016) to the 78th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA
- Michael Vaschillo
- University of Washington Undergraduate Research Travel Award (2016) to support participation in The Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback Conference, Seattle, WA for research conducted as a summer intern at Rutgers Cardiac Neuroscience Laboratory
- David Eddie
- Leon H. Greenberg Memorial Award (2015) for Excellence in Graduate Studies and Promise as a Scientific Investigator, Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University
- American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS 2014 Fall) Basic Psychological Science Research Award
- American Psychological Association 2014 Interdivisional Mentoring Award from the Science Directorate
- NIAAA Travel Award to the Second International Congress on Alcoholism and Stress, Volterra, Italy (2014)
- American Psychological Association 2014 Interdivisional Mentoring Award from the Science Directorate
- Research Society on Alcoholism Student Merit Award (2013) for the 2013 RSA Scientific meeting, supported by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- Foundation for Education and Research in Biofeedback and Related Sciences Scholarship (2013)
- NIDA Travel Award (2012) to attend the Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness (JMATE) April 10-12, 2012 in Washington, DC
- American Psychological Association (APA) Division 50 Award (2011) supported by NIAAA to present at the 119th annual meeting for the APA, Washington DC
- Richard Wille
- Aresty Undergraduate Scholar Research Award (2013)
- Cooper Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) (2013) for the research project, “Differential heart rate variability reactivity to negative affect picture cues”
- Ryan Holland
- John A. Carpenter Memorial Award (2013) for Excellence in Undergraduate Research
- Suchismita Ray
- K01 Award, NIDA, NIH (2011) “Cocaine, Appetitive Memory and Neural Connectivity”
- Junior Investigator Award (2008) for the 2nd International Conference on Applications of Neuroimaging to Alcoholism (ICANA-2), Yale University
- Tomoko Udo
- Society for Prevention Research (2010) Student Award
- Leon H. Greenberg Memorial Award (2010) for Outstanding Graduate Student, Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University
- RSA Student Merit Meeting Award (2008) RSA/ISBRA Joint Meeting, Washington, DC, funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- ECPN Travel Award (2007) to the 15th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research
- NIDA Women & Gender Junior Investigator Travel Award (2007) to the 69th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence
- Hareema Mela
- Cooper Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) (2010) for the research project, “Gender Differences in Heart Rate Variability at the Beginning of Addiction Treatment”
- Jennifer Buckman
- K01 Award, NIAAA, NIH (2009) "Polymorphisms, Glutamate and Risk Factors for Alcoholism”
- Kristen Howell
- Henry Rutgers Scholars Award (2009) for outstanding independent research
- Charles Flaherty Award for Most Outstanding Psychology Student (2009), Rutgers University
- Aresty Undergraduate Scholar Travel Award (2009) to present at the UCLA Undergraduate Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA
- Undergraduate Research Spotlight Video Series (2008) Aresty Research Center and Office of Instructional and Research Technology, Rutgers University
- American Psychological Association (APA) Divisions 50 Award (2008) supported by NIAAA to present at the 116th annual meeting for the APA, Boston
- Aresty Undergraduate Scholar Travel Award (2008) to present at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston
- Aresty Undergraduate Scholar Travel Award (2008) to present at the Salisbury University Undergraduate Research Conference, CT
- Adam Weissman
- New Jersey Psychological Association Foundation "Research into Causes and/or Treatment of Social Problems" Dissertation Research Award (2008)
- Association for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (ABCT) Student Travel Award, (2008) for the Annual Meeting, November
- American Psychological Association (APA) Division 50 Award (2008) supported by NIAAA to present at the 116th annual meeting for the APA, Boston
- Gianna Locasio
- Leon H. Greenberg Memorial Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Research (2008)
- Catherine Rha
- John A. Carpenter Memorial Award (2005) for Excellence in Undergraduate Research
- Bela Julesz Psi Chi Scholarship (2005) for Undergraduate Research
- Henry Rutgers Research Scholar (2005)
- Lisa Dipuzzo
- George S. Cooke Scholar (2005)
- Purvi Patel
- Summer Research Fellowship (2005) from the Foundation of UMDNJ and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
- Gerald Voelbel
- Leon H. Greenberg Memorial Award (2004) for Excellence in Graduate Student Research
- Nishant Patel
- John A. Carpenter Memorial Award (2004) for Excellence in Undergraduate Research
- Chaityana Desai
- Summer Research Fellowship (2004) from the Foundation of UMDNJ and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School